About us
Yanni Papapanagiotou
Chairman and Managing Director
Yanni Papapanagiotou is a Civil Engineer (National Technical University of Athens) and holds a Master’s degree in Logistics & Transportation (Cranfield University) and also another one in Economics (University of London).
In the past, he held senior positions in international Consulting Companies. Since 2007 he is the main shareholder, Chairman and Managing Director of Systema.
Pepi Dimopoulou
Chief Operating Officer
Member of the Board of Directors
Pepi Dimopoulou is managing the day-to-day activities of Systema. She is a Civil Engineer (National Technical University of Athens) and holds a Master’s degree in Construction Management from Kingston University, UK.
Being a very experienced transport planner / engineer, Pepi has managed many projects internationally. Her expertise is mainly in the fields of national / regional / local transport master plans, sustainable urban mobility plans,feasibility studies for linear infrastructure projects, cost-benefit analyses, traffic management and traffic impact assessments, public transport and in project management.
Natalia Tselenti
Director – Western Balkans
Member of the Board of Directors
Natalia Tselenti is a qualified transportation engineer with strong experience in infrastructure projects development and implementation. She holds a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and in Logistics, Trade and Finance from Cass Business School, UK.
She is highly experienced in contract management, including management positions in large and complex transport projects. She has in-depth knowledge of transport infrastructure development in the Western Balkans region, where she has been working continuously since 2013.
Keith Cook
Member of the Board of Directors
Keith Cook was previously Group Head of Business Development at WYG International (now Tetratech) and has more than 30 years high-level experience directing and managing large complex economic and infrastructure development projects in transition economies.
Brings an in-depth understanding of infrastructure and capacity-building projects internationally through experience in management and direction of many donor funded technical assistance programmes.
Skilled in development of effective Project Management Unit functions for implementation of large, multi-component, complex technical assistance programmes.
Skilled and experienced in knowledge transfer and design of counterpart development programmes.
Gordon Lamond
Member of the Board of Directors
Gordon Lamond has 30+ years of experience in the management of large-scale, international, infrastructure technical assistance assignments.
Formerly Director of Major Projects for WYG International (now Tetra Tech), responsible for management and quality assurance of infrastructure technical assistance projects. Furthermore, he was formerly Director, Infrastructure and Environment, for global engineering company FaberMaunsell – now AECOM; all involved managing multi-disciplinary teams made up from different cultures. Sector expertise includes environment, transport, energy and social