SYSTEMA was part of the consortium of REALISE project, the main objective of which was to develop European strategies, decision and support tools, data and initiatives to promote the use of short sea shipping, particularly for the carriage of unitised cargoes, ensuring a shift in freight transport from land to water in a multi-modal context.

REALISE was established as a three year Thematic Network involving maritime transport practitioners and transport experts and was funded by the 5th Framework Programme of the  European Commission. The core objective of REALISE was to develop European strategies, decision and support tools, data and initiatives to promote the use of short sea shipping, particularly for the carriage of unitised cargoes, ensuring a shift in freight transport from land to water in a multi-modal context.

Within this framework, REALISE drew together the results of many EU projects relevant to the development of short sea shipping and analysed the current state of the art to identify and develop new and successful methodologies and tools for the promotion and development of short sea shipping across Europe. A number of key integrative studies were elaborated leading to the development of specific methodologies in the areas of statistics, environmental impact analyses, and comparative multi-modal infrastructure costing and pricing. In addition, a series of workshops were realised to exchange and transfer the knowledge and experience developed from network activities. Finally, within REALISE framework, a European research area (‘network of excellence’) as well as the Electronic Knowledge Dissemination System (EKDS) were developed to assist in delivering REALISE objectives.


Client: European Commission | Year: 2002-2005