FIDIC Engineer for Replacement of the Signalling / Interlocking Device in the railway station Podgorica

Under the “Reliability and Safety Improvement of “Bar-Vrbnica” railway line (SEETO Rail Route 4) Project”, the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro [...]

2024-03-21T12:33:17+02:0014/12/2018|Projects, Railways, Services|

Republic of Turkey National Transport Master Plan

The main project objective of the project was to develop a National Transport Master Plan which would facilitate the development [...]

Detailed Design and Tender Documents for the Reconstruction of the Road Scepan Polje-Pluzine

The Technical Assistance (TA) focused on the Detailed Design of the road section between Scepan Polje and Pluzine in Montenegro [...]

TEN-CONNECT: Scenario, traffic forecasts and analyses of traffic on Transeuropean Network for Transport

The TEN-CONNECT project focused on the analysis of the existing Trans European Network for Transport (TEN-T), as part of the [...]

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