SYSTEMA Supports Strategic Railway Development in Egypt
SYSTEMA Consulting S.A. has been engaged by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to provide advanced procurement support [...]
SYSTEMA Consulting S.A. has been engaged by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to provide advanced procurement support [...]
Systema Consulting has commenced offering services to the European Investment Bank (EIB) on an innovative project called EPIC – the [...]
We're thrilled to announce that Systema Consulting, part of the Suez Consulting-led consortium, has secured a major contract from the [...]
We are happy to be part of railway development in Serbia. Systema Consulting is leading an interesting project in Serbia, [...]
SYSTEMA has worked on the extended Inception Phase for the Detailed Design for civil works and Preliminary Design for signalling [...]
In March 2021 SYSTEMA Consulting was appointed by an American real estate development company as technical advisor on traffic issues [...]
One more success for SYSTEMA in the Western Balkans region. We are part of the consortium, led by Planet S.A, [...]
Following our successful participation in Technical Assistance projects in the Western Balkans in the last 12 years, we have succeeded [...]
SYSTEMA is part of an international consortium led by WYG International implementing Economic Resilience Initiative & Infrastructure Technical Assistance (ERI-ITA) [...]
SYSTEMA, in consortium with COWI (lead partner), WYG and EGIS started the implementation of a new Technical Assistance project in [...]