Within the framework of this study, cost – benefit analysis for the completion of the Thessaloniki Metro project is elaborated, taking into account the economic crisis and its impact on both urban mobility and modal split.
The main objective of this study is to examine the economic viability of the Thessaloniki Metro project. More specifically, the cost-benefit analysis refers to the construction of a driverless metro system for the city of Thessaloniki (base project), including 13 modern center platform stations, 9.5 km of line, 24 ultra-automatic and state-of-the-art trains, fully air-conditioned, which will be run without a train driver, with an attendant aboard the train and a Depot at Pylea.
The above cost-benefit analysis includes both financial viability and socioeconomic analysis, while sensitivity and risk analyses will also be performed. Regarding the passenger demand estimation for the Thessaloniki Metro and the modal split with and without the project, a traditional four-step traffic model is used. Two different scenarios are examined: Without Project (i.e. Metro) scenario and With Project (i.e. Metro) scenario. All model results are appropriately updated, taking into consideration the economic crisis in Greece and its impact on both urban mobility and modal split.
Client: Attiko Metro S.A. (Athens Metro Development Company) | Year: 2012-2013