Our main focus was on enhancing the social and economic development in North Macedonia through improved transport infrastructure, by elaborating an investment portfolio for both national and international funding parties and improving the management capacities of the national authorities.

The main objective of this project was to enhance the social and economic development in North Macedonia through improved transport infrastructure, by elaborating an investment portfolio for both national and international funding parties and improving the management capacities of the national authorities. More specifically, during the implementation of this project, the main concern was to develop an investment plan in order to stimulate (higher) IFI investment in the country within the road sector.

Within this framework, we firstly short-listed all potential road projects, which we then analysed in detail in terms of conceptual design and costs involved. Finally, we evaluated and ranked the proposed projects and elaborated an Investment Plan. More specifically, the following activities were carried out during the elaboration of this study:

  • Current Road Network Inventory.
  • Traffic and road condition data collection.
  • Analysis of existing National Road Policy, existing traffic and road conditions.
  • Criteria to elaborate an investment plan.
  • Short list of rehabilitation projects .
  • Traffic forecasts.
  • Conceptual design for each road depending on scenarios of actions.
  • Feasibility study on environmental issues.
  • Social impact assessment.
  • Maintenance regime, activities, cost of works by year.
  • Proposed conceptual design for the short-listed roads.
  • Economic cost-benefit analysis for each road project.
  • Socio-economic evaluation indicators for projects (NPV, IRR, Benefit/cost ratio).
  • Sensitivity analysis for discount rate, traffic volumes and investment cost.
  • Methodology for project ranking.
  • Project selection and ranking priorities and investment plan.


Client: European Agency for Reconstruction – Fund for National and Regional Roads, North Macedonia | Year: 2006-2007