Introducing EPIC: Systema Consulting in Eastern Partnership countries

Systema Consulting has commenced offering services to the European Investment Bank (EIB) on an innovative project called EPIC – the [...]

Economic Resilience Initiative – Infrastructure Technical Assistance (ERI-ITA)

SYSTEMA is part of an international consortium led by WYG International implementing Economic Resilience Initiative & Infrastructure Technical Assistance (ERI-ITA) [...]

National Transport Plan for Greece

The National Transport Plan for Greece – NTPG was a consultancy project awarded under the Framework agreement to support European [...]

Connectivity Networks Gap Analysis- IPA 2011-WBIF-Infrastructure Project Facility-Technical Assistance 3 EuropeAid

The Connectivity Gap Analysis identified the compliance gaps of the entire Western Balkans (WB) Core Network against the TEN-T [...]

2024-03-21T16:27:12+02:0002/11/2018|Services, Transport Policy - Strategy|

South East Europe: Updating of the Regional Balkans Study (REBIS)

Within the framework of developing an efficient South East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO) Comprehensive Network and strengthening the underlying transport [...]

TEN-CONNECT: Scenario, traffic forecasts and analyses of traffic on Transeuropean Network for Transport

The TEN-CONNECT project focused on the analysis of the existing Trans European Network for Transport (TEN-T), as part of the [...]

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