Our client’s facilities in Central Greece include a warehouse complex consisting of individual warehouses and silos used for the storage of agricultural products. The warehouse complex can be upgraded into a freight centre, ideal for handling cargo of all types and sizes as it is located at a transport hub and can be easily connected with road, rail and sea routes.

The purpose of the assignment is to support the client during the configuration of the existing facilities with the creation of a yard for containers and the development of an internal railway line which will provide the option of loading and unloading goods directly on trains and transport cargo to different destinations in the mainland and abroad.

SYSTEMA Consulting has undertaken the study for the design and operation of a Rail – Road Transport Terminal. It concerns the identification of the optimal operational plan in conditions of maximum capacity of the facilities, aiming at the maximization of the railway transport share. It includes business planning and operation, development of the baseline operating scenario, elaboration of alternatives and development of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for monitoring warehouse operations. As part of the study, a Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Manual will be prepared in which all the responsibilities and duties of the employees within the Client’s facilities will be analysed.


 Client: Private | Year: 2021-ongoing