The objective of the Project was to support Serbia in preparing and implementing reforms in road transport sector by providing operational support to the Beneficiaries and Stakeholders, in order to achieve as good institutional arrangements as possible, improvement in road infrastructure management, institutional strengthening and transformation of Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia Putevi Srbije (PERS).

The support provided to the Beneficiaries included the following:

  • Assistance to implement an action plan for the institutional strengthening and transformation of PERS into a Public Road Agency similar to those of other European Countries.
  • Assistance to strengthen the capacity of the line ministry (Ministry of Construction, Transport, and Infrastructure – MCTI).
  • Assessment of roles and capacities of other relevant government agencies.
  • Assessment of the current status of overall road management in Serbia.
  • Development of solutions and proposals for the improvement of road management.

The project tasks were composed of four components.

Component one analysed the existing legal framework and horizontal and vertical functional review of the MCTI, and other state institutions and public companies involved in the administration and management of the Road sector, with analysis of the regulations and legal framework, financial planning and management, relations between the Government and agencies, rights and obligations.

Component two referred to the administration and management of the sector, i.e. primarily horizontal and vertical structure of PERS, as PERS is responsible for the maintenance of the existing road network. This particular task covered analysis of PERS particularly capacity, motivation of people, human resource management, organizational structure and establishment of the Service Level Agreement as the cornerstone for the policy towards a public road network. Also, the component covered GIS mapping, preparation of database, asset management, revenue and tolling system analysis, expenditures including maintenance contracting and PBMC.

Component three analysed the roles, responsibilities and capacities of the supply industry, i.e. available capacities of the construction sector.

Component four involved workshops with selected participants from both the public and private sectors to disseminate knowledge and discuss lessons learned.

Consortium: Deloitte Serbia – WYG International – SYSTEMA


Client: World Bank  | Year: 2017-2020