The Technical Assistance (TA) focused on the Detailed Design of the road section between Scepan Polje and Pluzine in Montenegro on Route 2b (E-Route E62), as well as the Conceptual Design of the 3 km long road section between the new Tara River Bridge and the new Paklice Border Station. More specifically, this TA dealt with:

  • The Detailed Design for the road Scepan Polje-Pluzine (the section from the new Paklice border crossing station to Pluzine);
  • The Conceptual Design for the connection road section between the new Paklice border crossing station and the border bridge over the Tara River (excluding the bridge itself);
  • The Tender Documents for the reconstruction/construction of the road Scepan Polje-Pluzine (the section from the new Paklice border crossing station to Pluzine) in line with the EBRD Procurement Rules for works and the FIDIC Red Book Conditions of Contracts for Construction.


Client: EIB | Year: 2016-2018