The main objective of this project was the modernisation and electrification of the existing railway line that connects Podgorica with the Montenegrin /Albanian border in compliance with TEN-T standards. The assignment focused on the preparation of the Feasibility Study, including Conceptual Design and Cost-Benefit Analysis, and the execution of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
The specific subproject objectives included the following:
- Development of a traffic model;
- Identification and description of possible development scenarios;
- Traffic forecasts and assignments for each development scenario;
- Assessment of environmental and social constraints for the examined development scenarios based on the baseline information;
- Development scenario analyses and selection of the preferred development scenario;
- Conceptual Design, including technical specifications and costs for the preferred development scenario;
- Financial and economic analysis preferred scenario, including detailed analysis of the sustainability of the results;
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the preferred scenario including Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Preliminary Environmental & Social Management Plan (P-ESMP), as well as Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARPF).
Client: EIB | Year: 2020- 2022