The National Transport Plan for Greece – NTPG was a consultancy project awarded under the Framework agreement to support European Investment Bank’s Advisory Services (EIBAS) activities inside and outside EU-28. The primary objective of the Project was to provide the basis for sustainable transport infrastructure and service development in Greece over the medium to long term, which will contribute to the competitiveness of the transport sector of the country.
The National Transport Plan for Greece is a key policy document which will define the transport sector development strategy for the next 20 years and will support Greece’s economic development. It will also determine the main actions that may receive financial support from International Financing Institutions and donors, especially EU and EIB. Thus, it required a well-defined and justified Strategy, which would be endorsed by all stakeholders.
Project Components
The Terms of Reference foresee two distinct components that together would support in developing the tools, capacity and processes to undertake activities in Strategic Transport Planning to support in the future planning of investments and policies in the transport sector, in addition to providing a central source of transport-related outputs to other public institutions. These components comprised:
- Component A (Tasks 1-9): The preparation of a comprehensive National Transport Plan with developed measures based on solid data collection and analysis of the needs of the whole transport sector, supported by a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA). This incorporated the development of a National Transport Model covering all transport modes and capable of being used as a decision support tool for future policy making, investment planning and project preparation; and
- Component B (Tasks 10-12): The development of a management structure and data management plan for the Strategic Planning Unit of the Ministry, describing activities, staffing, and protocols for future information flow between the Unit and external agencies/authorities.
Activities related to main components A and B were conducted in parallel taking cognizance of the relevant interrelations between them.
The project started on the 15th of May 2017 and had a total duration of 22 months.
Client: EIB | Year: 2017-2019