Our client was looking to update the existing manual for road design projects, based on recent changes within the legal framework and propose solutions for bottlenecks detected within the preparation phase of road projects. The ultimate goal was to modernize and rationalize the production system of public works in Greece.

Within the framework of rationalizing and modernizing the production system of Public Works in Greece, the existing manual of road design projects was updated, based on the current legal framework, while proposals were also made regarding the design phase of road projects. The design phase of road projects consists of the preparation phase, which covers all tasks related to the design, research and licensing procedures of a project. More specifically, the design phase commences right after the general planning of a project and concludes with the procurement procedures. Based on past experience on the production system of Public Works, it seems that many issues resulting during the implementation of the projects are due to lack of proper preparation of the project during its design phase. To this end, it was found of great significance to update the existing Manual and examine in depth the current legal framework.

Our role during the elaboration of this study mainly focused on the review of all preparation tasks and procedures necessary for a road project to be ready for the procurement (tendering) procedures, as well as on the review of all involved bodies. Furthermore, we reviewed and analysed the legal framework, within which the design phase of public road projects is carried out. Finally, specific measures were proposed in order to avoid significant delays and bottlenecks resulting to inefficient preparation of road projects in Greece.


Client: Management Organisation Unit of Development Projects | Year: 2013