Developing a new structure and fare pricing system for the public transport system of Athens, Greece, was the main objective of the study, within which we took into account both the current situation in terms of operational and financial structure of the system and the developing socioeconomic status of Attica’s population, as well as international best practices and technological evolution in the field of public transport.
The main objective of the project was to develop a new structure and fare pricing system for the public transport system of Athens, Greece, taking into account both the current situation of operational and financial structure of the system and also developing socioeconomic status of Attica (Greater Athens Region) population, as well as international best practices and technological evolution in the field of public transport. The specific objectives of the project was to optimize the public services provided to the public transport users and to simultaneously increase demand, to offer a fare pricing policy, to increase and rationalize the revenues management, as well as rationalize the revenues distribution to the public transport operators procedure. At the same time, the study aimed at reducing the operational deficit of the public trasnport system and introducing new technologies for fare products purchasing and control.
During the first phase of the study, the study team examined and evaluated the current fare system and infrastructure of the public transport system in Athens, as well as international best practices and applied technologies in the field of public transport. Within the framework of the study, the most important elements of the structure and fare pricing system were analysed, such as fare pricing policy, ticketing, and fare products price level. Following, different fare structure scenarios were developed and the optimum scenario was proposed after a thorough and well justified evaluation process. Finally, during the third phase of the project, the specific characteristics for the implementation of the new fare pricing system were analysed and all specifications and requirements of the new system were provided and highlighted for the successful implementation of the new system.
Client: Athens Urban Transport Organisation (OASA) | Year: 2008-2009