SYSTEMA has worked on the extended Inception Phase for the Detailed Design for civil works and Preliminary Design for signalling and telecommunication and electrification of the Northern Part of Railway Route 10 in Kosovo, from Mitrovica to Leshak, a project of high strategic importance for the Western Balkans Region that will offer better railway connections between Kosovo and Serbia.

Railway Route 10 is part of the extension of the Core Network Corridors of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) into the Western Balkans with a total length of 256 km long, 149 km of which in Kosovo. The route in Kosovo is being rehabilitated in three phases. The third and last project phase includes the Northern Part of the line from Mitrovica to the Border with Serbia in Leshak, an approximately 48km-long railway section which is currently closed.

The project expected results will include the detailed design for the civil works and the preliminary design for the electrification of the line and the signalling and telecommunication systems. The Technical Assistance is funded by WBIF and it is expected to contribute to the increase of safety and speed conditions along the line for both passenger and freight traffic, while also boosting economic growth and social development.

Client: EIB | Year: 2021- 2022

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244(1999) and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.