The main project objective of the project was to develop a National Transport Master Plan which would facilitate the development of a sustainable, safe, secure, accessible, inclusive, efficient and technologically innovative transport sector and transport infrastructure, enhancing both the Turkish economy and the overall quality of life for Turkish citizens.

Within the project’s framework, the general work plan included:

  • Phase 1: Understanding of existing transport conditions, including collection of all existing information on the existing conditions in the inter-urban transportation sector, analysis of the available data, interviews with primary transport sector stakeholders, as well as with national and international freight & passengers companies. The main aim is to have a clear picture of the existing situation and identify the needs for further data collection.
  • Phase 2: Collecting new data (field surveys including Road Side Interviews); the field surveys are conducted both during the Winter and Summer Seasons.
  • Phase 3: National Multi-Modal Transportation Model and Projections; Development of the National Transport Model for both passengers and freight; Transport demand projections for future time horizons.
  • Phase 4: Development of the National Transport Master Plan, including examples / practices that have been proven to reliably lead to high-quality transport strategies and policy implementation in foreign countries; identification of bottlenecks and persisting problems for the Turkish transport system; development of proposals, considering the goals established for the National Transport Master Plan and the bottlenecks and shortcomings identified; evaluation of the proposals using the Transport Model and development of Transport Strategies; Socio-Economic and financial assessment of the proposed measures; Development of a monitoring plan; preparation of Urban Transport Master Plans
  • Phase 5: Institutional support, including training of the Ministry’s staff in order to maintain and regularly update the developed transport model, as well as the development of a coordination and communication plan.

Client: Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications (MoTMC) | Year: 2015-2017