In an effort to improve connectivity within the Western Balkans Region and between the region and the EU, the EC launched  the “Technical assistance to connectivity in the Western Balkans, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo[1], Montenegro, Serbia (CONNECTA)”  in 2016. Through different sub-projects,  this TA contributed to the development of a regional energy market and the extension of the electricity and gas networks as well as of the TEN-T Core Network in the Western Balkans region.

Specific objectives of this TA included bringing high priority energy and transport infrastructure projects to maturity for investment co-financing and supporting the preparation and implementation of short and medium term regional reform measures in the transport sector. This TA also analysed climatic influences, assessed economic impacts of different investments, and also identified possible measures and strategies to improve the transport conditions in the region.

SYSTEMA was involved in the development of a Strategic framework for the Implementation of ITS in the TEN-T Networks in the Western Balkans region. This sub-project focused on identifying the strategic framework for ITS (ERTMS, ITS, RIS, VTMIS, e-freight) and IT system (e–documents, interfaces etc.) deployment in the WB Region through targeted action plans for each mode and their interfaces.

[1] This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


Client: EC- DG NEAR | Year: 2017-2023