The TEN-CONNECT project focused on the analysis of the existing Trans European Network for Transport (TEN-T), as part of the process of developing the forthcoming EU transport policy from 2010 and onwards. Our role, as Consultants, included the analysis of several aspects of the TEN-T Network, such as the existing and future traffic flows, the identification of major axes, the internal market characteristics, as well as access to neighboring countries.
Many aspects of the TEN-T, such as analysis of the existing traffic flows, forecasts of traffic flows until 2020 and 2030, identification of major axes, taking into account a number of aspects like cohesion, as well as internal market and access to neighboring countries were examined. Furthermore, analysis was carried out in order to identify bottlenecks and missing links on the main European transport networks, resulting in the definition of several projects of European interest. The study also identified the parts of the priority projects not yet implemented, and thus eligible for screening and evaluation.
At the same time, within the framework of this project a specific analysis of transport costs related to freight transport between East and South Asia on one side and Europe on the other side was carried out, in an effort to investigate the competitiveness of overland routes to Europe.
During the implementation of the study, a number of important targets were reached, the most important of which being the connection of the traditional traffic forecasts with cost benefit analysis (CBA), incorporating results from other studies (HEATCO, the IMPACT study, GRACE, TREMOVE and CGEurope) and also applying the results in a multi criteria analysis (MCA) setup. Moreover, the project has also developed a step-wise methodology for assessing a Trans-European Core Network, using indicators describing single market issues, cohesion and trade with neighboring countries.
Client: European Commission