Being more efficient and cost effective and at the same time providing high quality public transport services is one of the main concerns of the Attica Regional Bus Company (KTEL Attikis) in Greece. Within this framework, we were responsible for optimizing the ticket collectors’ shifts without influencing the provided services.

Within the framework of the “Ticket Collectors’ Shift Optimisation Study for KTEL Attica” the ticket collectors of Attica regional buses (KTEL Attikis S.A.), Greece, were investigated and solutions for their reduction in number, via their schedule optimization and their shifts’ number reduction were proposed. Within this study, a state of the art review was conducted, while the collector’s shifts were analysed. Finally, an appropriate programme, including the collector’s shifts, in order to be distributed to the collectors was prepared.

During the elaboration of the study, the most important data collected were the daily services of KTEL Attikis S.A., and all the collectors’ shift characteristics, as these were developed based on the relevant services provided. The services’ schedule modification, aiming at optimal proposal identification, and more specifically at a reduced number of shifts and subsequently at reduced cost, was developed both for the winter and summer services of the bus operator. Finally, the annual benefit for KTEL Attica S.A. regarding collectors’ services provision was calculated at 40%.

Client: KTEL – Attica Regional Buses | Year: 2005