The overall objective of the Technical Assistance (TA) was to ensure the functionality of the railway line Vrbnica-Bar in Montenegro, as well as to increase the safety levels and operational speed of the line to reach the initial design speed of 80 km/h.

The examined railway line between Vrbnica (Border with Serbia) and the port of Bar provides direct international access from the port to the Pan-European Corridor X and then further on to Romania. The line was constructed in 1976 and consists of the backbone of the railway infrastructure in Montenegro. Passing through a particularly mountainous terrain, the line has a large number of structures, including 16 steel bridges, 91 concrete bridges and 106 tunnels. The present TA focused on:

  • Determining the required rehabilitation of the 106 tunnels located on the railway line Vrbnica-Bar, including 14 galleries, based on the results of a detailed inspection programme
  • Identifying all damages, defects and weaknesses for which rehabilitation works have to be implemented to prevent future damages
  • Identifying the limitations in terms of the operational safety standards of the inspected tunnels (TSI 1301/2014)
  • Prioritizing the required rehabilitation works
  • Providing the necessary input data for the design of the rehabilitation works


Client: EIB | Year: 2016-2017