Within the new framework for the trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) which entered into force in 2013, our role was to thoroughly evaluate the Orient-East Med Corridor, one of the nine corridors forming the “Core Network”.
In 2013, the new framework for the trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) has entered into force laying the foundation for a truly European transport network across the EU Member States. Based on an increased budget for the TEN-T in the years 2014-2020 a new transport network was developed with 9 corridors forming the “Core Network”. Within the framework of the present study, the Orient-East Med TEN-T Core Network Corridor was examined, while the relevant stakeholders were identified. The Orient-East Med Corridor connects central Europe with the maritime interfaces of the North, Baltic, Black and Mediterranean seas, allowing to optimise the use of the ports concerned and the related Motorways of the Sea. The Corridor also fosters the development of those ports as major multimodal logistic platforms and improves the multimodal connections of major economic centres in Central Europe to the coastlines, using rivers such as the Elbe, while also providing the link to Cyprus.
The detailed objectives of this study are summarized as follows:
(i) Identification of the relevant stakeholders
(ii) Collection and analysis of all relevant studies on sections and parts of the corridor
(iii) Preparation of the work plan as foreseen in the Proposal for a Regulation on Union guidelines for the development of the trans-European transport network (COM (2011) 650) and update with the approved and published Regulation.
(iv) Identification and description of the characteristics of the core network corridor
(v) Description of the objectives for the core network corridor
(vi) Development of a programme of measures necessary for developing the core corridor network
(vii) Multimodal transport market study
(viii) Development of an implementation and investment plan
(ix) Preparation, support and follow-up of the meetings of the Corridor Forum
Client: European Commission | Year: 2014-2015
The second phase of the programme began in 2015.